Our 2-day structured retreats are designed for groups of no more than 10 people. This gives you space and support to focus on the key questions that will help you determine your best way forward.
A Crossroads Retreat is not a silent retreat, although times of silence and working alone form part of the programme. At other times, we are all together or in smaller groups of two or three.
Day 1
- Where am I now? How do I come to be here?
- What do I really want? What is on my heart? What am I looking for?
- What\’s holding me back?
Day 2
- What do I have available to me? What are my gifts, my strengths?
- How can I use these to bring real meaning and purpose into my life?
- What\’s my dream? What\’s possible if I am true to myself and my abilities?
- What am I practically going to do to step forward on my journey?
Your time on retreat is your opportunity to explore these questions in community with others.
There are no pressures, no demands, simply a quiet acceptance of you as you are.