Walking The Good Way Retreat
Time and space to refresh and strengthen your personal ‘Good Way’ practice and rhythm of life.
A Walking The Good Way Retreat is for you if you want to strengthen and deepen your practice and be introduced to new and evolving ways to ‘walk the good way’.
If you are to live, you must be all alive, body, soul, heart, mind and spirit – Thomas Merton
To get the most out of this retreat, you’ll likely have already done some foundational work to help you live your own authentic life , perhaps on a Finding Stillness Retreat, or similar. It is a truth that the more authentically we live, the richer the experiences that life will send our way.
Part of living in this way involves developing a ‘Good Way’ rhythm of life and this annual retreat is to give you time and space to reflect on where you are at and to refresh your practice – to enhance your ability to be ‘all alive’ in as Thomas Merton suggests – body, soul, heart, mind and spirit.
This retreat will help you strengthen and deepen your practice and introduce you to new and evolving ways to ‘walk the good way’, and to learn from fellow travellers, sharing wisdom and building a genuine community of practice in this work.
This is a chance to gather with others, to create and enjoy the experience of being fully alive and deeply connected.
In walking your good way, you will feel more ‘on top’ of things and less ‘jerked around’ by the comings and goings of life. You will have more quality time, and love, to give to others, and to yourself.
You will be able to listen to others, and yourself, more deeply and with more understanding. You will find yourself helping others more, without this being a burden to you.
We hope you’ll leave with a renewed commitment to your Good Way programme and a deeper sense of community with others in the work.
What You Will Be Doing
Walking the ‘good way’ is an unfolding process of self-mastery. It takes years to build the level of consciousness and compassion that are the hallmarks of this life and we are all, always, a ‘work in progress’.
Part of the beauty of this is being able to hold space for each other and to learn together as fellow spirits along the way.
The retreat will provide you with a chance to step back, with others on a similar journey, to deepen your connection with the ‘inner work’ that constitutes the Good Way practice.
You will be introduced to new ‘stillness’ practices and self-observations and participate in group reflections and spiritual exercises that will enable you to refresh and strengthen your capacity to live the life you are being called into.

You're In Safe Hands
This retreat is lead only by our most experienced guides, who have spent years honing these practices. They bring an emotional and spiritual depth to the work that has them able to tune in to each person’s unique character and nature.
The process they use draws on spiritual traditions that are thousands of years old, as well as modern psychology and wellbeing.
The retreats run with a maximum ratio of 1 guide to 4 participants so everyone gets personal attention.
What You'll Get Out Of It
Coming on these retreats will bring you into a deeper and more fruitful relationship with others in the ‘Good Way’ community. You will become part of the evolving Good Way praxis and probably find yourself in regular connection with a number of friends in the work, possibly in a local or online ‘Good Way’ group.
At a personal level it will lead to a strengthening your capacity for personal stillness that will further transform your level of personal awareness and resourcefulness.
You will be better able to discern when you are your ‘best self’ and when you are being pulled out of it. You will be clearer in your own priorities and more able to say ‘no’ to things that you do not want in your life.